Sunday, May 13, 2012


Flash-Carmen G. Ortiz, the beloved Former Choir Director of La Sinagoga received a Gala Award for Lifetime Achievement. Gala Officials had huddled for months to present this Special Award to  this Wonderful woman of God who has labored tirelessly for the cause of Christ and has served as an inspiration to generations
Biography of Carmen Gonzalez – Ortiz On 12 February 1935, the 2nd child of eight children was born to Carmen Diaz – Gonzalez and Raimundo Gonzalez-Gonzalez in Santurce, Puerto Rico. In 1948, Raimundo Gonzalez migrated to New York City for employment and in 1950 brought his family to New York. Carmen was 15 years old when the family arrived and was enrolled in Lydia F. Wadleigh High School in Manhattan, NY. She was a shy student who academically excelled in school. Her records were pulled from Puerto Rico only to find she was a straight “A” student there as well. When Carmen graduated high school she was asked by her school principals if she had applied to colleges. She explained that her counselor had stated students from outside of the country need not apply. This is when God again, stepped in and used her Principal Dr. Wewerka to assist in her application to CUNY-Hunter College. Carmen graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelors Degree in Arts. Ever since the family arrived in NYC, they attended and were members of La Sinagoga Pentecostal Church originally on 65 East 109th Street and later on 115-125 East 125h Street in NYC under the Pastoral leadership of Rev. Abelardo Berrios. On 29 October 1960 Carmen married Saul Ortiz; also from La Sinagoga Pentecostal Church. Carmen was choir director and a member from 1950-1994. She relocated with her husband Saul in 1991 to East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania after retiring as a Supervisor of Social Workers for NYC. During those 3 years she continued to attend La Sinagoga on weekends. Carmen has been a pillar and a matriarch to those who know her. She has instilled her love of God and family as passed down by her parents. She has imparted her love of reading, education and music to many generations. All in all, Carmen says that it is by God’s grace that she has experienced all that she has. He continues to bless her abundantly and in all things, she gives God the glory, honor and praise.

Spanish Encore
 La Biografía de Carmen Gonzalez - Ortiz El 12 de Febrero 1935, Carmen Gonzalez, el segundo de ocho niños nació a Carmen Diaz – Gonzalez y Gonzalez-Gonzalez de Raimundo en Santurce, Puerto Rico. En 1948, Raimundo Gonzalez emigró a la Ciudad de Nueva York para el empleo y en 1950 trajo su familia a Nueva York. Carmen tuvo 15 años cuando la familia llegó y fue matriculada en Lydia F. de Wadleigh Escuela Secundario en Manhattan, NY. Fue una estudiante tímida que sobresalió académicamente en la escuela. Sus registros fueron transferidos de Puerto Rico para solo encontrar que fue un estudiante estelar allí también. Cuando Carmen se graduó del la escuela secundario le pregunato sus directores si había aplicado a colegios. Explicó que su consejero había indicado que estudiantes que no eran del país no debian aplicar. Esto es cuando Dios otra vez, dio un paso y utilizo a su Principal para aplicar al Colegio del CUNY-HUNTER. Carmen se graduó magna con laude con una Licenciatura en Artes (B.A.) Desde entonces la familia, llegada en NYC, fueron miembros de La Sinagoga Iglesia Pentecostal originalmente en 65 East 109th Street y más tarde 115-125 East 125th Street en NYC bajo el liderazgo Pastoral del Reverendo Abelardo Berrios. El 29 de Octubre 1960, Carmen se casó con Saul Ortiz; también de La Sinagoga Iglesia Pentecostal. Carmen fue directora del coro y un miembro de 1950-1994. Trasladó con su marido Saul en 1991 a E. Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania después de jubilarse como supervisora de asistentes sociales para NYC. Durante esos 3 años continuó asistir La Sinagoga en fines de semana. Carmen ha sido un pilar y matriarca a los que la conocen. Ha inculcado su amor de Dios y familia como pasó por sus padres. Ha impartido su amor de leer, la educación y la música a muchas generaciones. Todo en total, Carmen esta muy agradecida por la gracia de Dios en todo lo que ha hecho y tiene. Nuestro Dios continúa bendecirla abundantemente y en todas las cosas, ella Le da a Dios la gloria, honra y alabanza.

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